Content Writing: Small Articles

Chetan Aggarwal

Hello everyone, I hope you all are good.

We all know this is a very tough time for all of us. Because we live but we are not living like an independent people, there are many restrictions all around us because of the Corona pandemic. 

So, my today's writing topic is "Inspiration" Inspiration which is a very important and crucial word for all of us.

for example:

family (Grandfather has an inspiration of father or vice versa / Grandmother is the inspiration of mother or vice versa) there is a continuous chain.

Education ( students inspiration have his/her teacher/professor or sometimes students doing great in his/her carrier so they become an inspiration for professor/teacher also).

But in the Covid period, my inspiration is my family and my college teachers because at that time nothing is open only my family's heart, college and my books are open to me otherwise all things are closed. At that time I clearly understand the Importance (mahtav) of education and family and I am not the single there are crores of people who understand the value of family.

Why I am saying the importance of education is because I think if the technology is not so much developed so maybe we are facing a lot of problems but due to technology or knowledge of the technical world we freely survived without facing a lot of problems, for example, Google meet, Zoom or other online virtual platforms and there are a lot of applications that were helped the needers. And this application was made by developers and developers are nothing but experts or highly skilled people who are proficient in the field of technology.

                                    " Life isn't about

                                                    waiting for the storm to

                                                   pass, it's about learning

                                                  how to dance in the Rain

If we are saying that this is a problem so problem always taunts you but once you say this is not the problem this is the solution so the problem is automatically converted into a solution but in a highly positive way. That's the concept we all were indirectly applied in life at the time of corona or lockdown How ???? let's see.

If we were problems like shortage of money, shortage of food, and shortage of needy things, we all survived because we all know that's the only solution.

We understand that if we have small expectations from something after, we all can survive. lockdown period helped to understand the importance of life or Die.

School is hard, being a teacher is hard, and being responsible for kids is hard. This pandemic has underscored inequities that can’t be ignored, and I hope a time comes when educators are sharing their stories and support for each other in a way that builds community like we haven’t seen before. And I hope the world has a greater appreciation for just how hard it is to educate a student—but also how crucial investments in education are for our future.

Yes, the investment in education is one of the biggest interests which will pay you in the future. This is the biggest thing like in the corona pandemic schools, colleges, and other education sector were not closed yeah that's true it was not a physical or offline but teachers were trying to best in the online medium also so that is appreciable to all the hard worker's people. 

In the context of necessary closures, different forms of online education and education resources should be mobilized. Countries should use their existing online distance courses whenever possible, encourage education technology companies to make their resources freely available, diversify the modes of delivery depending on age and capacity, and encourage teacher collaboration. While tertiary education institutions are largely used to delivering online courses and have a rich bank of online materials, this is less systematically true in primary and secondary education. And a lot of big platforms provide online courses free because students learn from these platforms and utilize their time in a good way.

  • Use existing online distance learning platforms. Distance online platforms may already have curriculum courses and resources in different digital formats (text, video lectures, articles, etc.), usually with a bank of related exercises. Typically teachers can select lectures and exercises their students should watch and do, and tutor them through messages and synchronous classes. Where platforms do not exist, open educational resources could be similarly used. Examples are Google classroom, Slack, Discords, Whatsapp, and different platforms.

  • Develop new online teaching platforms (virtual classrooms). Teachers can remotely teach their students while they are at home, using various platforms Some “virtual classroom” services already exist within countries and have been deployed in China and Singapore at scale in the context of the corona crisis, be they public or private.

  • Partner with private educational platforms.  One difficulty with existing resources is that their massive use is not always possible simultaneously. Some private-sector platforms have already made their resources and services freely available to some schools to expand countries’ response capacity.

  • Collaborate internationally to mutualize existing online educational resources. While countries and sometimes regions within countries have different curricula, they tend to teach similar subjects and could consider translating and using foreign digital resources aligned with their curriculum.

  • Use all electronic means as appropriate. Some older electronic means such as streaming lessons on TV are more appropriate for very young students or in some contexts where infrastructure lags behind.

  • Provide teachers with digital learning opportunities. Countries may provide or facilitate teachers with online teacher training resources on how to teach online (e.g. ITA) but also with online collaborative platforms that allow them to share their resources and give and receive peer feedback.

And most of the Data storing platforms are also provide services free because of the high level of data and need. 

I hope you like my effort.               


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